Master 1° Livello



Dottrina, Strategia, Armamenti

Obiettivi e sbocchi professionali

Approfondimenti specifici caratterizzanti le peculiari situazioni al fine di fornire un approccio interdisciplinare alle relazioni internazionali dal punto di vista della politica militare, sia nazionale che comparata. Integrazione e perfezionamento della propria preparazione sia generale che professionale dal punto di vista culturale, scientifico e tecnico per l’area di interesse.

Destinatari e Requisiti

Appartenenti alle Forze Armate, appartenenti alle Forze dell’Ordine, Insegnanti di Scuola Media Superiore, Funzionari Pubblici e del Ministero degli Esteri, Funzionari della Industria della Difesa, Soci e simpatizzanti dell’Istituto del Nastro Azzurro, dell’UNUCI, delle Associazioni Combattentistiche e d’Arma, Cultori della Materia (Strategia, Arte Militare, Armamenti), giovani analisti specializzandi comparto geostrategico, procurement ed industria della Difesa.

Durata e CFU

1500 – 60 CFU. Seminari facoltativi extra Master. Conferenze facoltative su materie di indirizzo. Visite facoltative a industrie della Difesa. Case Study. Elettronic Warfare (a cura di Eletronic Goup –Roma). Attività facoltativa post master

Durata e CFU

Il Master si svolgerà in modalità e-learnig con Piattaforma 24h/24h

Costi ed agevolazioni

Euro 1500 (suddivise in due rate); Euro 1100 per le seguenti categorie:

Laureati UNICUANO, Militari, Insegnanti, Funzionari Pubblici, Forze dell’Ordine

Soci dell’Istituto del Nastro Azzurro, Soci dell’UNUCI

Possibilità postmaster

Le tesi meritevoli saranno pubblicate sulla rivista “QUADERNI DEL NASTRO AZZURRO”

Possibilità di collaborazione e ricerca presso il CESVAM.

Conferimento ai militari decorati dell’Emblema Araldico

Conferimento ai più meritevoli dell’Attestato di Benemerenza dell’Istituto del Nastro Azzurro

Possibilità di partecipazione, a convenzione, ai progetti del CESVAM

Accredito presso i principali Istituti ed Enti con cui il CESVAM collabora


06 456 783 dal lunedi al venerdi 09,30 – 17,30 unicusano@master

Direttore del Master: Lunedi 10,00 -12,30 -- 14,30 -16


CESVAM – Centro Studi sul Valore Militare -



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venerdì 15 marzo 2013

Clear message to Argentina: 99,8% of Falkland Islanders want to stay British

Despite frequent snow showers and zero temperatures, the celebratory party had already started on Arch Green in the centre of Port Stanley as the result of the Falklands’ referendum was a foregone conclusion, but the loud cheer that went up from the assembled gathering could be heard all over the town as the news filtered through that only 3 persons had voted against the Falklands remaining a self-governing dependent territory of Great Britain.
1,513 of the 1,518 persons, who cast their vote, put an X alongside the YES box. This gave an overwhelming 99.8% victory to those who wish the Islands to remain British.
Perhaps more importantly was the 92% turn-out of voters which emphasizes the strong desire of the Falkland Islands population to exercise their right to self-determination and to make their voice heard.
A vast array of British and Foreign media had gathered in the Islands to report on the referendum and the news of the resounding 'YES' vote was soon reverberating all around the world.
'The message is loud and clear', said Member of the Legislative Assembly Gavin Short, 'that we want to stay British and Argentina cannot ignore the wishes of the people'.
He added: 'The United Nations cannot ignore the outcome either as we have ensured that the vote was conducted in a fair and democratic manner and supervised by an International team of observers from North, Central and South America'.
Mr. Brad Smith, the Head of the International Observation Mission, in a statement, released immediately after the result was announced, said: 'It is our finding that the Falkland Islands referendum process was free and fair, reflecting the democratic will of the voters of the Falkland Islands'.
While the Argentine Government has repeatedly declared that they would not recognize the result of the referendum, there is no doubt the message from the Falklands cannot be mistaken and the 99.8% vote in favour of the population wishing to remain British will be frequently brought to their attention whenever future calls are made for Britain to engage in negotiations over the sovereignty of the Islands.
Several Argentine Nationals who live on the Islands had indicated that they too would vote 'YES' for the Islands to remain British, pinpointing the unstable Argentine Government as one of their reasons and because they enjoy a high standard of living and fantastic education opportunities for their children as another reason.
(Mercopress, march 12,2013)

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